one world

purpose: to connect, create value, stretch, and witness the mundane magical

November 19, 2012

nyc nov 2012

Casey and I came to New York City for a workshop. Here are some pictures of the city from my cell phone.

An early morning run to Central Park provided a unique find - ice-skating in the trees to Bach and Michael Buble.  
The Highline - old unused elevated train tracks converted into several blocks of garden walk-way.
This dog was licking this security-guard's face non-stop. Blurry pic - sorry. The dog just would not stop. I asked him if I could take a picture.  
As if on cue the dog posed... then resumed his affectionate displays. 
A view over the Hudson River - in the hazy distance is the statue of liberty.
trying on glasses in a souvenir store
on the subway 
a cool sculpture on the Highline
quiet spots even in the bustling city

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