one world

purpose: to connect, create value, stretch, and witness the mundane magical

May 21, 2012

argentina 2012

Here are some over-due highlight pics of our trip to Argentina.

flight between santiago and buenos aires

can't go to argentina without trying the beef
(okay, if you're vegetarian, you can)

ice cream with Andrea and Ashwin 

memorial to falklands - or malvinas - conflict 

young men who died in the malvinas conflict 

knocking at the door of the brazilian embassy -
 Casey loves brazil

nice parking sign

at the sublime mausoleum cemetery 

crowds gathered to see the tomb of Evita

Jason shopping 

tango on sunday afternoon -
one of our favorite memories of argentina 

May 14, 2012

my elders

A veteran teacher told me when he remembered drinking-fountains and bathrooms being segregated by the color of people's skin. 

My Idaho grandfather rode a horse to school - a small log cabin of one room. He used an out-house for a bathroom as a kid. 

My Chilean grandmother left her rural home at 16 and went to live in the big capital city. She became a nurse and nursed the president of her country. Later she asked him for a big favor, which he granted.  

Sometimes the experiences of our elders enrich our lives with a breadth of stories that we would never have lived otherwise. Travel enriches a life. But one can "travel" in one's own neighborhood talking to people rich in years. 

I took a summer course from a Hungarian woman who had her ten fingers broken at a concentration camp, and her children taken from her until they were adults. In Los Angeles I taught with a boxer and military man who survived the race riots and lived through multiple drive-by shootings. My great-aunt, after whom my sister is named, lived most of her life without electricity in her arid town. I met her blind in a poncho, a childhood legend. A New Yorker I worked with marched in the civil rights era. 

Somehow the events and diverse generations of our planet don't seem so distant. Their experience in a way becomes mine. Better said - ours. My conversations and memory wealth are increased. The collective unconscious - the massive whirl of humanity and life - stirs complete again.