one world

purpose: to connect, create value, stretch, and witness the mundane magical

November 25, 2012

santa fe thanksgiving

We've been wanting to visit Raya in Santa Fe, so finally made the trip this weekend. Casey went to school for 3 years with Raya a few years ago. They connected on several levels.

A lot of places in Santa Fe
 have farolitos on the houses and businesses
 - for Christmas.

November 19, 2012

nyc nov 2012

Casey and I came to New York City for a workshop. Here are some pictures of the city from my cell phone.

An early morning run to Central Park provided a unique find - ice-skating in the trees to Bach and Michael Buble.  
The Highline - old unused elevated train tracks converted into several blocks of garden walk-way.
This dog was licking this security-guard's face non-stop. Blurry pic - sorry. The dog just would not stop. I asked him if I could take a picture.  
As if on cue the dog posed... then resumed his affectionate displays. 
A view over the Hudson River - in the hazy distance is the statue of liberty.
trying on glasses in a souvenir store
on the subway 
a cool sculpture on the Highline
quiet spots even in the bustling city

November 14, 2012

fremont treasures

Our neighborhood has many little treasures. Here are a few, after the first one, that I photographed while out on a run.

We went to a halloween production of the musical Adams Family,
and the ladies behind us were dressed up for the night.  
Very funny show.
Here's a swing that has touched my heart, not far from where we live. It's a simple enough idea. A swing on a sidewalk. What gets me is this: the idea of giving a free gift to anyone that passes by. The idea of giving to the world. In simple ways. That speak volumes. You wouldn't believe the number of people that walk by, smile, and sit down and swing for a bit.
A neighborhood garden shop. I'd much rather put my dollars here, to the lady owners on the other side of the counter, than at Fred Meyer, or some other store where the money goes to make someone already uber rich far away even richer. It encourages local creativity. Plus I get great advise and neighborly service.
This has got to be one of my favorite places.
I took a beginning ukulele class here.
Love this place too. Some diverse classes.
picturesque canals and bridges by water-ways
The autumn leaves provide a colorful carpet on this trail.
The pink bike indicates funky mainstream attitudes.
House-boats. What a cool life.