one world

purpose: to connect, create value, stretch, and witness the mundane magical

May 21, 2012

argentina 2012

Here are some over-due highlight pics of our trip to Argentina.

flight between santiago and buenos aires

can't go to argentina without trying the beef
(okay, if you're vegetarian, you can)

ice cream with Andrea and Ashwin 

memorial to falklands - or malvinas - conflict 

young men who died in the malvinas conflict 

knocking at the door of the brazilian embassy -
 Casey loves brazil

nice parking sign

at the sublime mausoleum cemetery 

crowds gathered to see the tomb of Evita

Jason shopping 

tango on sunday afternoon -
one of our favorite memories of argentina 


  1. I love your travel photographs, Percy. You have an eye for beauty and meaning.

  2. Thank you Barry! As do you.
