one world

purpose: to connect, create value, stretch, and witness the mundane magical

April 28, 2013

whidbey island

Casey overlooking the west side of Whidbey Island on a hike
look at the para-glider in the sky!
farm-land along the beach
driftwood from storms, later in the day
the northwest can be full of variety
one moment cloudy and drizzling
the next moment sunny
we try to just go prepared, and still head out regardless
the green hills give me the impression of ireland
on the ferry ride back from the island
close to seattle
one more pic of the two of us
see the weather changing in the photo
rain clouds high in the left
sunny cumulus skies high right

April 25, 2013

welcome back

I rather go
Hungry being
Out in
Nature than
To fill
My belly with
Four walls and
Florescent lights

I rather dig into
The earth with
Hands to
Work for
My supper than
Wrap it in
Plastic and
Nuke it for

I rather be
Here in
My soul in
My present
State of
What is
Real at
My core

Feel it
Run through
My veins like
Water to
The roots of
A tree—
I am
Nourished by
The beauty and
Strengthened by
The assurance that
No matter
How hard
Humans try
To create
Over it—
It lives and
It’s what I
Hunger for

It still
Exists outside
The four walls and
Florescent lights of
Modern day
Human existence

It is still
Forever filling
The world with
Living light
Welcoming us
All back to
What is
Real to
The life we
Lived before

 CL April 2013

found through facebook, the blog: The Rambles of a Waking Lamb

April 15, 2013

festival of colors - "give love"

Last month Casey and I went to the Holi Festival of Colors, celebrating Spring, in Spanish Fork, Utah. Here's a short clip of the event that Rita found. We went also with Jimmy and Joany.